Wednesday, July 31, 2019

New Media Technology Essay

Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the worldwide web, initially intended his invention to be a haven of collaboration where people could share their knowledge (Gauntlett 2009:39). Although the prospect of such public journalism corresponded with democratic and egalitarian principles, journalists took this idea with a pinch of salt. This was almost 20 years ago, before the information highway had, for better or for worse, stretched its limbs across the globe. Today, the new media has redefined both journalism and self expression in conflicting ways that leave an individual wondering at the veracity of digital information. In the last decade, internet has gone through an explosive growth and diversification. No one could have foreseen how the internet would pervade our lives and transform the very notion of being part of a society. It has provided the ultimate freedom of the new age: a single blogger can speak to the entire world, a concept virtually impossible two decades ago. However, with this flourishing and unbound growth, the internet brings a unique set of predicaments and dilemmas. The most profound and relevant of such problems is the age-old clash of a person’s right of self-expression with the hazards of misinformation of the whole society. Whether this deceit comes about due to ignorance or design is irrelevant; in a society that promotes freedom of speech, misinformation is bound to occur on both grounds. While conferring infinite freedom to the common person, this means of self-expression comes with the acrid realization that words from a layman, presented as the predominating views of his community, are not necessarily a blessing. The news on the new media of today is more about gossip and entertainment then first-rate journalism. Since when did journalism begin to cater to the ever-growing need of the populace to be entertained? In an interview to BBC World News America, Ted Koppel, former Nightline presenter, criticized the digital journalist of today for being a mere supplier for consumers (Whitlock 2010). The commercial expansion of new media and ever-growing competition in the free market means that journalists have to write what sells; or rather, gets the most â€Å"hits† on a website. How did we come to a situation where the populace demands not to be informed, but to be perpetually entertained? Discussing news on the television, Daya Kishan Thussu (2007: 9) states: â€Å"There is a concern that too much news is creating an information overload, contributing to a structural erosion of the public sphere in the Habermasian sense, where the viewer, bombarded with visuals, is unable to differentiate between public information and corporate propaganda. † If that is true regarding television news, it most definitely holds water concerning internet news. The gargantuan flow of information, most of which lacks in credibility, is bombarded on any user who wades through the mire of pop up advertisements, banners, and mass e-mailing. Although, these devices are some of the tools used in the race to get more traffic on ones website, the capitalist agenda is far from being the most unfavorable feature of journalism. It is the ubiquitous use of new media, especially by the youth that yields the most detrimental effects. The frivolous writing that is spilt across the new media today may be the first literature some of us encounter, and draw heavily from. However, there have been examples of the internet doing its job where other media have failed. Earlier this year, on January 12th, an earthquake hit the Caribbean island of Haiti. All landlines and mobile connections were suspended. The production team of the news program Sunrise at Sky News, London, was finding it difficult to channel in the first reports from the disaster-struck area. It was to be a young member of their team, Emily Purser, who used Twitter and instant messaging via Google and Skype, to secure the first reports of the incident (Elward 2010). Another, much publicized affair was the use of Twitter by the political opposition in Iran to protest the presidential elections. The protestants took to all sorts of media, but the loudest dissent was voiced, surprisingly, through microblogging. This medium proved to be fast, portable, and most importantly very difficult to contain. Ironically, this very accessibility makes the medium too erratic, unreliable, and mundane to be of any journalistic value (Grossman 2009). An obvious embodiment of the debate between free speech and quality journalism is Wikipedia. This resource epitomizes the â€Å"by the people, for the people† ideology, but this trait alone does not give it any credibility whatsoever, at least not in academic circles. A former editor-in-chief of Encyclopedia Britannica compared Wikipedia to a â€Å"public toilet†, accusing it of delivering information that has no authenticity (Shirky 2006). On the other hand, notions that anything that appears in print media will always be more accurate than digital information are absurd. What Wikipedia envisions is the process through which one can witness the knowledge of its users evolving and perfecting itself through countless revisions (Shirky 2006). The trump card in the argument for Wikipedia comes from a comparison of veracity of data between itself and Britannica; the scientific journal Nature declares them to be of similar accuracy (Giles 2005:900). This collaboration is a sign for those who think people are becoming ever more antisocial and misanthropic, for this is a global effort in creating something for the benefit of all and no monetary gain (Gauntlett 2009:42) . Patricia Wallace, in her book, The Psychology of the Internet writes about how free flow of information can be used to cultivate critical and analytical thinking amongst students who access it (1999:245). Nevertheless, the fact remains that the new media is losing credibility day by day. Although, the global sharing of information and its revision by collaboration is a noble idea, public journalism makes it exceedingly difficult to acquire accurate information; and to accept the new media as a genuine journalistic medium. BIBLIOGRAPHY Gauntlet, David. (2009). Case Study: Wikipedia. Eds. Creeber, G & Martin, R. Digital Cultures. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. Thussu, Daya Kishan. (2007). News as Entertainment: The Rise of Global Infotainment. London: SAGE Publications. Wallace, Patricia. (1999). The Psychology of The Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Shirky, Clay. Interviewed on Imagine, BBC1, UK (aired 5th December 2006) Giles, Jim. (2005). Internet encyclopedias go head to head, Nature, 438:900. www. nature. com/nature/journal/v438/n7070/full/438900a. html (5th May, 2010) Grossman, Lev. (2009). Iran Protests: Twitter, the Medium of the Movement. Time. http://www. time. com/time/world/article/0,8599,1905125,00. html (5th May, 2010) Whitlock, Scott. (2010). Ted Koppel Slams Undisciplined Internet Journalism. NewsBusters. http://newsbusters. org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2010/04/13/ted-koppel-slams-undisciplined-internet-journalism-longs-good-old-da (5th May, 2010) Elward, David. (2010) Work of a trainee newspaper journalist. (5th May, 2010) http://davidelward. com/2010/03/09/the-digital-revolution-need-not-sound-the-death-knell-for-good-journalism/

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Ways in Which Managerial Role Has Changed in the 21st Century

THE WAYS IN WHICH MANAGERIAL ROLE HAS CHANGED IN THE 21ST CENTURY Globalization and advances in technology has brought changes to the business environment and the world as we know it today. Consequently, the nature of work has changed and it has brought on new challenges for managers (French et al, 2008). There is therefore the need to examine the ways the role of managers has evolved as a result of these changes. The role of managers is primarily to guide organisations towards the accomplishment of its goals. Certo and Certo (2009) identified four major activities that mangers use in achieving organisational goals.These are planning, organising, influencing and controlling. The way managerial role has changed with be assessed based on this four activities. Planning refers to objectives and goal setting. Traditionally, planning has been concentrated at the top with employees been told what the next strategy is. The changing nature of work implies that managers and employees plan and execute decisions together (Bouchikhi and Kimberly, 2000 cited in Mullins, 2011). Employees’ views are now being taken into consideration in taking operational decisions.Managers have to plan in an uncertain world as such they have to be proactive and know how to manage risks. Organising involves creating structures and the division of labour. Managers would have to constantly restructure their organisations in line with changes in the business environment and their strategy. There is the need for proper delegation of authority. Advances in technology have brought about the trend towards ‘virtuality’ which removes some aspect of the borders and design of the traditional organisation by carrying business operations with the use of information technology (Certo and Certo, 2009).Managers have to be able to organise work and find efficient ways of communicating within this virtual environment. Influencing has to do with creating enthusiasm in people and inspiring emp loyees to perform better. Changes in work environment mean that the organisational values need to be based on teamwork and trust because people are now seen as an important resource (Mullins, 2011). There is a greater emphasis on getting employees involved in the organisation and giving them the liberty to take initiative (Certo and Certo, 2009). It is essential that managers are able to attract and retain effective workforce overtime (French et al, 2008).Due to globalisation, the workforce is more diverse than ever. As a result, managers have to firstly recognize the differences in culture and modify their actions to deal with differing cultural norms (Molinsky et al, 2012). Controlling involves measuring performance and taking corrective actions. Advances in information technology impacts management control systems. The workplace is more interconnected with a speedy diffusion of information to more people (Mullins, 2011). Consequently, it is then necessary to manage information sy stems. In controlling people, managers need to be able to exude the right level of power over their subordinates.Bouchikhi and Kimberly (2000) claim that power is no longer concentrated at the top but is now shared. The 21st century marks the era called the information age which has seen themes such as globalisation, diversification and virtual organisations becoming at the heart of business operations. This has tremendous impact on the way a manager plans, organises, influences and controls his team. In order to be effective, a manger needs to be able to work in a virtual world where his team has as much input in the way plans are designed and decisions are made. The managers must also be open to the different cultures.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analyse The Concept Of Opportunity Cost Economics Essay

Analyse The Concept Of Opportunity Cost Economics Essay Introduction The answers start with the basic theories of microeconomics and contact with an analysis of actual cases to solve the following four problems. It refers from the opportunity cost, scarcity of resources, cross-price elasticity, income effect, substitution effect, the producer surplus to long-run equilibrium for a perfectly competitive industry. 1. (a) The concept of opportunity cost is due to the scarcity of resource, the scarcity of resource determines that the resource can not be used for purpose B any longer if the resource has been used for purpose A. Therefore, opportunity cost means that if a resource can be not only used for one purpose but also used for another purpose (if it used for one purpose, it must give up other uses due to the scarcity of resources), then the opportunity cost indicates that the resource used for purpose A refers to the net incomes it should have got if it was used for a better purpose B. That is, if the resource has been used for a purpos e A, you will lose the possible incomes, so it is a loss of opportunity. This loss must be taken into account when the company choose the use of corporate resources in the selection, only the opportunity cost is the real cost to the economists. Opportunity cost is characterized by selective and hidden. The friend above says he has a free pass to go to the game of cricket between Australia and South Africa and it won’t cost me anything, according to the concept of opportunity cost above, he is wrong about the cost of going to watch the cricket match .The reasons are as follows. On the one hand, I will lose my time on watching the match; on the other hand, if I do not go with him, I can do my own business, such as study or something meaningful, so I would have lost the incomes I should have got. (b) Resources are scarce. Scarcity of resources has two meanings: One meaning is that we have to cost if we want to obtain any resources . The other one is that any resources are limite d relative to people’s needs and desires. Nowadays, universities are confronted with the problem of scarcity of resources with respect to the degree courses it provides. It is the higher quality teaching resources and the scarcity of supply of higher education demand for high quality teaching resources that restrict the improvement of the quality of higher education. There are both structural imbalances and the total lack of teaching resources problems. The main factors that affect our level of sharing of teaching resources and efficiency are resource development, resource sharing mechanism design and resource sharing of technical support. For example, Ideological and Political Theory Course teaching resource are scarcity, which can not meet the normal practice of teaching needs; the scattered, idle and waste related issues in the use of the Ideological and Political Theory Course teaching resource are also important factors that affect the supply and demand balance in additi on to its own supply shortage. In specifically speaking, there are two aspects. On the one hand is the disperse regions, which refers to the non-uniformity of time and space in the rule of teaching resources in the Ideological and political theory; on the other hand is the non-uniformity on time, which refers to the differences between the history resources and reality performance.

Torsion Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Torsion - Lab Report Example Fenner and other (1984) indicated that the modulus of rigidity is given by the ratio of stress to shear strain often represented mathematically as ?/?. As widely cited, modulus of rigidity is essential in measuring the material’s shear stiffness and it is known to be analogous to Young’s modulus for any elastic behaviour in compression or tension (Benham, Crawford & Armstrong, 1996). Given that a ductile material component useful in providing shear, an individual need to note that the maximum shear stress is safety, which is less than the materials yield shear stress (?y). However, a brittle material the criterion of failure is based upon its tensile stress (Gere &Timoshenko, 1984). Research indicate that the theory of torsion often give the torque in form of rotation as (1) The equation 1 above is often derived from Hooke’s law and it is also valid for the shear stresses though somewhat lower than shearing proportional limit (Case, Chilver & Ross, 1993). In a so lid circular section, it has been outlined mathematically that the polar second moment of the area of cross section is given by equation (2) (Ryder, 1969) (2) This implies that from (1), it can be shown that the maximum shear stress, that occurs at r = d/2, is provided by equation (3) (3) This experiment deals with determining yield shear stress along with the modulus of rigidity for the specimen of brass and mild steel of a circular cross section. Apparatus In this experimental set up, there were various sets of apparatus used. Among them were the torsion machine, a torsion bar, a gearbox, a torque meter, two protractors, a counter, and a hand-wheel. This way, a torsion machine was used for carrying out a test involving a specimen that was accommodated within the socket at each end. The 60:1 reduction gearbox served the purpose of manually applying the angular displacement at the left- hand side. The torsion bar was essential in this experiment given that it was used for measuring the torque when at right-side with a torque meter being used for reading digital data. The two protractors listed above were vital in this experiment since they were used for purposes of measuring the rotation of the specimen. They were placed at the gearbox, in which case, one was placed at the input hand wheel along side a 6 degrees scale, while the second gearbox was placed at the specimen shaft at 360 degrees scale. The counter, on the other hand, was used in providing the number of revolutions each of which might be zeroed. Last but not least, the hand-wheel placed at the torque meter assembly was used in returning the right-hand of the given specimen back to the original position. Procedure It is worth enlisting that this lab exercise involved 2 experiments: experiment 1 and experiment 2. This implies that there were specific procedures for specific experimental set up. In experiment 1, which involved determining the modulus of rigidity G for brass and mild steel, the procedur e for the experiment involved the following steps. 1. The diameter of the each of the cylindrical portion of the specimen was measured. 2. Using the level, the torque meter hand-wheel was adjusted in ensuring that the torsion bar, as well as the deflection bar is maintained close to and as parallel as possible. 3. The dial gauge was then set to zero through rotating the outer bezel. 4. The specimen was then accommodated in the right hand hexagonal

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Community Coffee Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Community Coffee - Research Paper Example Coffee business in any sense should be solely based on quality because if the leaders are not highly riled up about sourcing the finest coffee beans from different regions by effectively cooperating with the people who grow them, the business never transforms into a ceaseless passion but always remains a business established principally for personal gains. Therefore, the management at Community Coffee considers it significantly valuable to make prodigious investments in the people whose job is to grow the most fervently sought coffee beans. We seriously consider these people are most respected partners and always intend to treat them with value and dignity in order to foster a solid partnership which is reputable for fueling a business. Community Coffee targets people from all backgrounds irrespective of class, racial, ethnic, and economic differences. Diversity is embraced by the staff here which not only considers the customers as people who come to get a cup of coffee but as digni fied humans with whom it is important to develop a sound connection which would go farther from just coffee. Together the management and staff at Community Coffee attempt to achieve a competitive edge over other similar businesses by religiously following the core values and business ethics which are essential to sustain success and customer satisfaction. When it is honestly tried by the business leaders to merge together business and ethics in different areas like leadership, decision-making processes, employee management, production, and customer satisfaction, the consequences prove to be quite fruitful for the organizations. Leading by example and behaving in accordance with the professional code of conduct to win the durable trust of the customers is a critically important area which the management at Community Coffee intends to make its hallmark. It is considered fundamentally important by Community Coffee to make wise investments at the right time because in the present fierce ly competitive and dynamic business world, such a smart strategy is the need of the time. In order to help this coffee business garner mainstream popularity and effectively address the highly dynamic customers’ needs, it is always tried by the staff to remain fully open and engaged with the customers from diverse backgrounds. It is important for a simple encounter starting from a simple beverage to culminate in a lasting smile on the face of the customer. We want our business to become a household name in a matter of few years and for this purpose, commitment to diversity is regarded crucially valuable. The talents of multicultural workforce can be most accurately used for gaining competitive advantages by valuing diversity. For this purpose, Community Coffee rigorously attempts to establish an inclusive culture as a way of promoting diversity due to which a riveting repertoire of multicultural perspectives could be formed and that is especially helpful for myriad decision-ma king processes. Also, if the leaders are not careful enough about ethically sourcing the finest beans at most suitable prices, not only are they abandoning their most important obligation but also they are being unfaithful to their

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marcus Garvey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marcus Garvey - Essay Example Marcus Garvey a Jamaican saw the predicament of his people and joined Jamaican Nationalist Organization (Haugen 3). He valued the rights of his people and sought for an approach that would liberate his people from the tyranny of racial discrimination. Garvey toured many nations i.e. London, Central America, Jamaica, and United States of America among others. He was motivated by the predicaments of his people to form a civil right movement that intended to deliver the blacks from psychological bondage of racism. This paper analyses choices, motivation, and strategy of non-violent campaign and the leadership style of Marcus Garvey. Garvey’s approach to racial discrimination and colonialism in Africa and the rest of the world relied on his love for the black race. History quotes that he believed that Africans were able to compete with the whites for the top jobs (Haugen 8). The most pressing need that inspired Garvey to rally against the independence of Africans was taking contro l of their own destiny. He believed that Africans would improve their lives when they took control of their own destiny by instituting their own leaders. Garvey used UNIA as a tool that would bring the blacks together under one umbrella to address their social, economic, and freedom issues. For instance, the UNIA Conference held on 1 August 1920 intended to equip the African leaders with the conscious they required in order to fight for their independence (Haugen 6). The deliberation in the conference as expressed through the opening speech of Garvey shows that Garvey sought to change the conditions of life of Africans through a united movement. Garvey’s uses his own life a model that would shape the lives of the blacks. It is evident from his speech that his personal life motivated him to leadership position. His wish was to mould similar mind, which emulate his ideologies throughout the world. â€Å"I came from an environment that is not better than you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hill & Garvey 45). The above is one of the quotes that he made during a gathering where he was addressing blacks. The nature of life in Jamaica and psychological inferiority of the blacks in the United States played a motivational role in influencing the writing, political and social life of Garvey. History documents that Garvey made unique choices in his political movement and social life. For instance, his letter to Theodore Roosevelt portrays an inclusive leadership approach that aim at promoting peace as well as quest for primary rights such democracy in the society. Garvey believed in freedom movements, which advocates for basic human rights through peaceful negotiation. He fought for black pride, which he believed, would come from education and self-realization. Another unique choice that he made during his leadership is to influence the opening of UNIA offices across the world where the blacks existed (Lawler & Davenport 85). This choice posed a great threat to his personal life as well as the governments that oppressed the blacks. The choice to meet the leaders of Ku Klux Kean is unique in the sense that the organization was against liberation of the black. Critical analysis into the leadership style of Garvey takes us to the transformational leadership style. In transformation leadership, four factors form the basis of transformational leadership. These factors are inspiration leadership, charismatic leadership, individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation. Garvey intention was to rally intellectualism in creating leadership for Africa and the Negroes. He addressed large audience and insisted on the need for education as the foundation for freedom for the blacks (Haugen 4). Another observation is the charisma in his approach to political issues of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Produced Water Treatment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Produced Water Treatment - Term Paper Example This water must be treated prior to discharge or re-injection. Produced water has a complex composition, but its constituents can be widely grouped into inorganic and organic compounds, including dissolved and dispersed oils, grease, heavy metals, and radionuclide’s, treating chemicals, formation solids, salts, dissolved gases, scale products, waxes, and microorganisms and dissolved oxygen. More than 40% of the 250 million barrels of water produced in a daily basis from both gas and oil are emancipated into the environment. This clearly shows its effects in the environment and globally making it to be considered instead of clearing it as waste. Environmental concerns have driven research into the treatment of produced water. Current conventional treatment technologies are targeted at removal of heavy metals, oil and grease, and desalination, which often lead to the generation of large volumes of secondary waste. Produced water treatment also represents challenges for major oil-producing projects, especially in India, where special treatment requirements to meet the discharge norms for disposal or injection into spent oil wells have not yet been met. This affects the environment to which it can be reversed by being treated and become useful to the people. From recent researches, The USA and China have been quoted the leading disposers of produced water worldwide as seen in the previous years. This is a result of increased demand in oil and petroleum products worldwide in many non-oil producing countries. In 1995 the American Petroleum Institute, (API), made its recommendation on the Best Available Technology for Produced Water Management on Offshore Gas and Oil Installations. The following were identified by the report as the water toxicity contributing factors. The discharge of untreated water into fresh water bodies such as streams presents a toxic level that is highly lethal to aquatic life. In addition,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

My Firms Acquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

My Firms Acquisition - Essay Example Large enterprises acquire smaller firms to eliminate competition and to fetch a larger market share in the industry. However, still there are many challenges in implementation of acquisition process, which seemed to be as bleak as ever. This report is an effort to look into the acquisition process to answer certain questions. The Bidding and the Target Firms As a CEO, you are trying to acquire a foreign firm. The size of your firm will double, and it will become the largest in your industry.   What does your firm do and what does the foreign firm you are trying to acquire do?   Where are the firms based? Both of the bidding and target firms are based in United Kingdom. The bidding firm is an established retail outlet and looking forward to an expansion in Asia. The firm deals in consumer durable goods including food and beverage as well as other products like technology products. The company has its maximum share in food and beverage section. The company wants to explore the Asia n market. The bidding firm has taken a calculated approach while choosing both the target market and the company in there. China has been decided to be the destination country. This was because of China’s attractive economic growth and this can be used as a base to expand the company’s business in other Asian countries. The target company is a well known local retail firm in China with a large local customer base. The target firms also deals in consumer goods like food, beverage, technology products and other such household products. However, it is expected that the acquisition will not be a smooth process. It would also require the cooperation from all the employees, the management, investors and others stakeholders of the company. It will require a strong yet flexible strategy framework to make the process proceed and at the end to make it a success. Proceeding to the Acquisition You are very enthusiastic about the opportunity to be a leading captain of industry and the associated power, prestige, and income.   (You expect your salary, bonus, and stock option to double next year).   However, you are troubled by the fact that 70% of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) reportedly fail.   How would you proceed?  Ã‚   It has been reported that since many years a considerable number of merger and acquisition efforts had failed. The success or failure of the process was due to several reasons including implementation chaos, inadequate planning, cultural difference and insufficient attention paid to the soft issues such as human resource. The bidding firm would surely follow a proper acquisition framework, fit to address most of the above issues. The following image displays the various stages in the acquisition process. Figure: Acquiring Process  ­Ã‚ ­ (Source: Hubbard, 2001, p.4) In the acquisition process, planning, communication and implementation would be dealt in full with a focus on the human issues (Pande & Krishnan, n.d., p.1-3). In the following image, the entire process has been divided in five stages. It is very much important that the bidding firm must be clear about its objectives to acquire any firm. Once decided about the objectives, the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Can the European Charter of Fundamental Rights Be Viewed as Essay

Can the European Charter of Fundamental Rights Be Viewed as Revolutionary in Relation to the Recognition of Human Rights Under E - Essay Example Bilen examines the establishment of the European charter on the European Union; he states that the charter purpose is making the European citizens aware of their fundamental rights. Bilen further states that the establishment of the European charter and incorporating it into the European legal system created a sense of sanity n the Europe legal system which faced objection s from time to time from their member states (2005, p.4). The charter was drafted using numerous international human rights instruments; the charter does provide a modern and broader protection for the European citizens. The European Union member states use the charter in improving the protection of rights throughout the union. This is achieved by the enhancement of public awareness of the basic rights. The charter narrows the gap between the citizens and the remote institutions of the union. The rights covered by the charter include the rights to life, prohibition of torture, the right to liberty and security. Oth er rights covered include the right to respect family life, and privacy, freedom of thought freedom of assembly, expression and the freedom of association, the right to marry, prohibition to discrimination and a right to an effective remedy (Bilen, 2005, p.11). The European charter ensures that the rights are adhered to by supervising the European courts of human rights; the main principle of the European Law is ensuring that there is the protection of the fundamental human rights. Therefore, the European charter in its purpose to making the rights visible to its citizen’s aims at two things: the first is to strengthen and deepen the culture of rights and responsibilities in the European Union. The charter as a document that proclaims the existing rights if the citizens has a powerful effects in reinforcing in the minds of administrators, the government, and law enforcers the rights the European citizens are entitled to and needs to respect them. The second aim of the charter it declares the rights, freedoms and principles of the union. This declaration unveils the indefinites’ on protection of human rights (Bilen, 2005, p.23). The charter fits the description of being a revolutionary documentary in that it does denote the European Union as an entity built upon the citizen. It reflects n the rights and freedoms of the citizen and emphasises on the rights of the citizen that should not be overrun by collective welfare claims or national concern. The charter creates a union among the Europeans in the sense that the citizens share a peaceful future based on common moral values (European Union, 2010, p.83). In view of the changing society, social progresses scientific and technological developments the European Union utilise the charter as a tool to maintaining the visibility of the human rights. In an effort, to ensure that the fundamental rights of the European citizens is protected the charter has seen the establishment of a commission of human ri ghts, a court of human rights, and a committee of Ministers of the council of Europe. Each of these departments has a role in ensuring the protection of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Economic crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economic crisis - Essay Example It is an urgent need of the hour to put a stop to the ‘carcinogenic’ growth of the negative impacts before it gets into the lowest multitude possible and starts affecting the day to day welfare of the common man. The urgency of the action is averred by the fact that some of the national economies literally lost the nation in the present scenario of economic crisis. An empowerment of the public sector entities should happen by the deliberate efforts of the national governments. The public sector always had been the backbone of the economy. Recent developments including the growth of the private sector investments hugely made the governments all around the globe depend largely on these investments urging for quick development. Not only the government but also the people were influenced by this trend as they also relied more on similar abrupt developmental agendas. The governments all across the world may take lessons from the sustainability of the national economies which were not affected by the crisis which still have Public financial Institutions on the rule. People must start depending on these public systems which for sure would work for their welfare. The governments in turn should try the strengthening of the public sector in terms of infrastructure and investment. These setups should be continuously backed by the governing systems throug h their policies considering the sustainability they would offer to the national economy. Efforts must be made so that the people start investing in these public systems. Campaigns through the media would help to a major extend to create this kind of awareness in the public. While considering the international investments, governments should try international linkages with similar sort of set up across the border which would help to make a substantial impact on the economy of that country while securing the economic stability of itself. However an over

Effects of Alcoholism Essay Example for Free

Effects of Alcoholism Essay I never thought drinking alcohol could destroy all I had worked for. Sure, I have had my share of hangovers. However, to think I was hurting myself or others never came to mind. I had a great job and really liked the people I worked with. I worked hard and played harder. Going out with my friends and drinking was a major part of my social life. The thought of calling a cab or getting a ride was not a congenital thought. It would take a head on car crash with another vehicle to change my life forever. When I was about seven years old, my dad had a few of his friends over to watch a football game. I took one of the beers when no one was looking and went into the garage. I opened it and took a big gulp. I spit it out and thought, â€Å"This stuff tastes terrible, how can anyone drink this and like it†? It took until I was in my teens to try beer again. I was with my two best friends and one of them had stolen a six-pack of beer from his dad. We each took a can and opened it. I remember taking my first sip and thinking it was warm. I did not like it, but I was not going to let my friends know that. Therefore, we each drank the first can. I could feel a warm glow permeate my body. When we drank the second can, I felt high and became intoxicated. From that moment on, I drank for the effect not the taste. After I got my driver’s license, my friends and I would go to the bars and drink. When it was time to go I would get in my car and drive home. This went on for years. I always thought I could handle my liquor. When my friends would be pulled over and get a D.  U. I. , I thought they were lightweights and could not hold their liquor. As I grew older, I began to work in the hospitality industry of nightclubs and restaurants. I really enjoyed what I did and was good at it. During this time, I would always have a drink or two at closing time. After we closed, I would get a cocktail for the road. This went on for years. As the years progressed so did my consumption of alcohol. I grew tired of the hospitality industry and changed jobs. I started work in the heavy construction industry. I became close friends with a group of people I worked with. We would meet after work at a bar or restaurant and have some drinks. When it was time to go, I would get a drink for the road. This habit continued until one day I was going to my best friend and his wife’s log home they were building on some land in Northeast Missouri. They were having a house warming and Fourth of July party. They were going to have a huge barbeque with all their neighbors and some friends followed by a giant fireworks display. I began my day to leave for the party by going to work. I had a very strenuous day without any breaks. When I got home, a friend shows up and we have a couple of drinks. I pack my car and said goodbye to my friend. I made a drink for the road and headed out. I do not remember a thing after that. I came to in a hospital. The nurse said I was in an accident and I was hurt very bad. She said I had been in a car accident and that I had a head on collision with another vehicle. She explained that I was in a coma for fifteen days. That I had a broken pelvis, hip, ribs, knee cap and collapsed lung. When the doctor came by to see me, he informed me I had some brain damage and that I would probably not walk again. My brother was there and explained to me what the police had told him. He said that I had crossed the centerline of the highway and hit a car head on. The other car had a mother with her four young children. Thank God they were not seriously injured and did not require a hospital stay. Once the hospital lowered my condition to stable, the Missouri Highway Patrol came and took me to jail. I was charged with five counts of second-degree assault and one count of possession of a firearm while intoxicated. All of these charges are felonies. I was tried, convicted, and was sentenced to twelve years in prison. I served four months in a prison treatment facility and I was released on parole with five years probation. I lost my job. I lost my life’s savings. I lost my car. I am crippled and cannot work. What drinking and driving has cost me is being paid with every step I take and the thought of what I could have done to that family.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Great expectations - review of three film versions Essay Example for Free

Great expectations review of three film versions Essay In my English lessons I have been reading great expectations as part of my pro 1914-prose study, and have chosen to do my media assignment on film adaptations of the book. I will be comparing and contrasting the three film versions, David Leans 1945 film is the eldest version which is in black and white, the BBC serialisation and the latest BBC film version, and the original novel. I will structure my essay by writing about different areas of the adaptations e. g. soundtrack, first with similarities then differences between the versions. Sequencing: The sequencing of the opening scene of great expectations adaptations are all quite similar except the latest BBC adaptation, the David Lean and BBC serialisation have the same sequencing, book so it is unlike the 2 other film versions. The David Lean film and BBC serialisation have the sequencing almost of the book so tell the story in the same way as Charles Dickens did. While the David lean version is more compact due to time limitations and the BBC serialisations has more detail they both tell the same set of events in the same way. And only differ from the book in the very beginning where they show Pip the central character in the book running across the marshes to the church, where the book starts in the churchyard. The latest BBC version is very different form the book and two other adaptations in its sequencing, it starts with Pip running away from the convict across a wheat field, when the convict catches up with Pip in the graveyard, he asks no questions about his parents or where he lives like the book. It then switches straight to Pip running home across the marshes, when he arrives home events from the second chapter take place when the events of the first havent finished being explained. The rest of the sequences of the opening chapter take place as flashbacks while pips sleeping. Soundtrack: As with the sequencing the sound track for the latest BBC adaptation is very different to the other two versions as it has a different set of sequencing. The David lean version and BBC serialisations soundtrack are quite similar but the advances in technology makes the serialisation far more advanced than the older David lean version. The David Lean version soundtrack starts with the opening of the book being narrated by an older version of Pip as the younger version crosses the marshes. The BBC serialisation soundtrack is similar to the David Lean version as it begins with narration by an older version of pip as he crosses the marshes. And the latest BBC version soundtrack is very different to the other two, as it starts with quiet music and Pips heavy breathing and rustling as he is running away from the convict. The arrival of the convict is very similar in the David Lean version and BBC serialisation soundtrack with the same build up, whistling winds and creaking trees make up a tense atmosphere, which is shattered by the arrival of the Convict. This is very different in the Latest BBC version. The arrival of the Convict in the David Lean version soundtrack is marked by him grabbing Pip and Pip screaming, the convict then threatens Pip in the following dialogue. Then the convict turns him upside down a lot of rustling and jingling from the convicts chain on his leg. The convict then demands items from Pip in the following dialogue while eating an apple and breathing heavily. At the end of the scene where Pip is running home across the marshes, the whistling winds from the graveyard are heard again. The arrival of the Convict in BBC serialisation soundtrack is different to the David Lean version you hear Pip trip and as he gets he catches sight of the convict and takes a surprised breath. The convict then moves toward him you can hear the chain on his leg jingle with every step he takes, he then talks to Pip. He shakes Pip lots of jingling and grunting, when he resumes dialogue with Pip he is eating a piece of bread. Just before the end of the scene the convict threats Pip speaking in a whisper, then walks of to bouncy music with his chain jingling. The Convict is introduced in the latest BBC version soundtrack by Pip falling with a thud, trying to hide breathing deeply. The Convict catches up breathing heavily and his chain jingling with his footsteps, as the Convict finds Pip, Pip lets out a scream then the convict says a short amount of dialogue. The David Lean and BBC serialisation soundtracks are quite similar but the Serialisation has the advantage of longer running time and detail and better technology, the only difference is the whistling wind at the end of the scene in the David Lean versions apposed to the bouncy music of the convicts departure in the BBC serialisation. The latest BBC version soundtrack is a far shorter and more condensed in the opening scene than the other two adaptations. Also large amounts of dialogue are missed out, even thought it befits from the best technology and methods out of the three adaptations it has the shortest and in my opinion worst soundtrack. Meise en scene: Meise en scene is French for what you can see such as characters, props and scenery. The main way to see the difference in the interpretation of the book in the adaptations is by what and how they present characters and locations on screen. As with the sequencing and sound tracking the David Lean version and BBC serialisation are very similar with few differences although the David Lean version is in black and white and the latest BBC version is very different to both of them. The David Lean version starts with the 1st page of Great Expectations opening then the rest of the pages blowing over. The BBC serialisation opens with some flowers on the book cover of Great Expectations wilting away, it is different to the David Lean opening but is clearly influenced by it. The latest BBC films different sequencing means different images appearing on screen at different time compared to the other two adaptations. It opens with Pip running through a golden wheat field, looking back over his shoulder, his face is dirty and his clothes are hard worn showing that he is a person of lower class in society. This is very different to the other two versions, which show the name of the film/book before the film begins. While the latest BBC version starts in the thick of the story. The appearance of the Convict is very similar in all three versions, which hold true to the book description A fearful man, all in course grey, with a great iron on his leg. The David Lean version while holding true to the book description but makes the Convict more frightening to the audience than the other two versions, as it is limited to black and white to make an impact. The BBC serialisation shows the convict more as a worn out exhausted figure that is more likely to make audiences fell sorry for him than be frightened. He is truer to the description laid down in the book than the other to versions down the blackened face and rag tied around his head. The Convict in the latest BBC version is a cross between the two other versions he is more frightening in appearance than the BBC serialisation Convict, but less true to the books description and more detailed than the David Lean versions Convict. Conclusion: After watching and reviewing all three-film adaptations, I have decided in my opinion that the BBC serialisation is the best adaptation of the book. Because of the level of detail that tells the story as well and in the same fashion that made the book such a large success, I find it an excellent alternative or compliment to reading the novel.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance of Social Marketing

Importance of Social Marketing Social marketing is objective to influence the social behaviors but not to benefit the marketer, but to benefit the target market and the society (Weinreich, 2006). While demarketing is an efforts aimed at discouraging the consumer to demand the product which a firm cannot produce in available product, or does not want to provide in a certain places where the cost of distribution is high and allow only a too little profit (Business, 2014). Therefore, in the following section, it will discuss the importance of social marketing and demarketing to tis current environment. Therefore, the first importance of the social marketing to its current environment is health care. This is due to the public health is going to globalization as a popular issues to the whole world as long as not only concern to local communities. For example, â€Å"36 million deaths each year are caused by non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung diseases and 6.7 million people of infectious diseases alone, far more than the number killed in the natural or man-made catastrophes that make headlines in 2008 † (Shah, 2014).. Therefore, it is importance to the social marketing to solve the problem of health care to influence consumers toward health behaviour. This is because of the strengths of social marketing for health are aimed to achieving and maintaining behavioural objectives, by understanding consumers and implement more simple way to ensure them to adopt the behaviour that the life are improving (Griffiths, Stevens Thorp e et al, 2008). Hence, the strategies of the social marketers to influence the health behaviour can through the social media, mediated through a health care consultant and other ways of communication (Evans, 2006). Firstly, social marketers use the communication channels to influence the health behaviour by giving the information of health through the one-way distribution of information. It has given way to a multimodal transactional model of communication. It is the most effective way to reach people about health issues by sending the messages to peoples. This group of people usually based on social demographic, cultural and behaviour characteristics that may be combined with the behaviour change. For example, the National Cancer Institutes â€Å"five a day for better health† campaign developed a specific messages aimed at Hispanic people, due to national report that they consume less fruit and vegetables and may have cultural reasons that discourage them from eating locally available produce (Evans, 2006). Next, the second strategy of the social marketing uses to influence the health behaviour by health promotion. It will increase the community commitment to develop social wealth through a successful health promotion programmes to encourage the communities to develop stronger networks and long-term creativities that are self-supporting to have a long term effect (Griffiths, Stevens Thorpe et al, 2008). Besides that, health promotion is concerned on health and wellbeing outcomes, which improved society health and reducing the inequalities of health and social. It aims to allow people and communities to maintain their own health and wellbeing by attainment control over the underlying factors that influence health and well-being (Griffiths, Stevens Thorpe et al, 2008). In conclusion, as concluded different authors based on above statement, it shows that the effectiveness of social marketing on the health issues and the importance of social marketing to r aise the awareness of health behaviour to reduce the amount of people death on health problem. Furthermore, the next importance of social marketing to its current environment is environmental protection. This is due to the individual behaviour is the cause of a major number of environmental problems, lack of control of individual behaviour from environmental legislation, which normally focus on industrial sources of environmental harm. Besides that, it shows also people contributed around 32% of the United States ‘’annual greenhouse gas emissions, totalling approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions’’ (Kennedy, 2010). After that, the overuse of agrochemical and pesticides and improper farming are one of the main cause to the pollution and degradation to several land zones national. In addition, there is the problem of some land areas polluted with Agent Orange or dioxin as war consequences (Hanoi, 2003). Hence, to reduce the gas emissions, some strategies are used it, such as incentives. It are a useful tool to encourage individual behaviour change, obviously shown on increasing in recycling, with the group provided with incentives increasing its recycling by 54% (Kennedy, 2010). Moreover, implementation a new Environmental Protection Act in 2004 which aimed to control and reduce of environmental emission also is one of the strategies use to protect the environment (Republic of Slovenia, 2010). In other sides, the social marketing activities designed to address for those specific recycling opportunities with the State Solid Waste Management Plan provides a point of reference, such as selecting target group and objective. As a result, the â€Å"Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Recycling Litter Prevention has adopted social marketing methods to assist SWMDs and local governments meet and exceed the State Plan recycling goals†, for example, a research show how the overall moving and local communities successful achieved the meeting goal in the 2004 Progress Report of the State Plan, non-subscripti on curb side recycling programs reported by SWMDs had increased from 233 to 352 (Landis, 2005). In conclusion, it also shows how the effectiveness the social marketing toward to the environment as the global warming is increased by year to year. In conclusion, it shows the importance of social marketing toward to the environment and aimed by different strategies. Moreover, the demarketing also is an importance tool that use to discourage people purchase from certain product, such as alcohol and cigarette. Therefore, the importance of demarketing to its current environment is tobacco consumption. This is due to the tobacco would kill one person in every ten second and continue increasing to 3 seconds over the next 40 years ( Udupa, 2007). Therefore, it is necessary to implement the demarketing strategies to solve the problem. The strategies of demarketing implement to the tobacco consumption is raised cigarette taxes, restricted smoking in the public area, offered smoking cessation services diversity to smokers and conducted an aggressive paid advertising campaign on the dangers of ETS and second-hand smoking (Gupta, 2014). The purposes of government of raise up the tax on cigarette to force the company to increase the price which discourage the consumer buy the cigarette. Tobacco taxation which passed on to consumers in the higher cigarette p rices has been recognized as one of the most effective strategies for decreasing smoking and its opposed health consequences (Bader, Boisclair, Ferrence, 2011). For example, in Texas and Iowa, which each increased their cigarette taxes by $1.00 in 2007 and shown the effect of smoker quit from it has improved compared to the 2006. It is also showing that these efforts to reduce the smokers after tax increases have significantly improvement (Boonn, 2012). In addition, warning labels also one of the strategies that discouraging the people to smoke. This is due to the warning labels is aimed to inform smokers about the health hazards of smoking, encourage smokers to quit, and prevent non-smokers to smoke. Furthermore, warning labels on tobacco products are a way of communicating with smokers. As a result, a 2007 study in Nicotine Tobacco Research found that most of smokers in the United States strongly supported, a detailed warning labels similar to those used in Canada, and appreciate d the information they provide. Therefore, it shows in the 2009 New York State Adult Tobacco Survey most 80% of non-smokers and 58% of smokers in New York support the strategy of warning label with full information on cigarette packs and the of New Yorkers has increased significantly over time( Campaign for tobacco free kid). For example, one of the demarketing efforts for tobacco control in India was implemented regulation in 2001 which included the outlawing smoking in public places, forbidding sale of tobacco to minor, more prominent health warning labels and ban advertising at sport and culture events. Besides that, Indian parliament introduced Tobacco Control Bill 2001 which prohibition of advertisement and regulation of trade and business, production, supply (Cumminge, 2002). In conclusion, it shows the importance of demarketing to discourage the people from buying the cigarette by imposed the legislation. In addition, the next importance of the demarketing to its current environment is limited the use of car. This is due to as a rapid growth of the population, the number of using cars is increasing and caused to traffic congestion. For example, as Liu (2014) stated that around 185,000 vehicles drive through to the city of London in Britain every day and traffic was worse as the average speed just 15 kph in 1999. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the use of car to overcome the traffic congestion. Hence, there are strategies of demarketing to reduce the use of car, such as congestion charge. It is an economic way of regulating traffic by imposing fees on vehicle users that drive through a citys more crowded roads. After proposed this strategy, the responded of the congestion charge has helped solving the traffic problem, increase the capital to build public transport and protect environment by reducing emissions (Liu, 2014). Next, the strategy of demarketing that use to limit the use of car is auto-free zones. It is designed to any area where traffic is prohibited in some area, which complete closure of streets, such as pedestrian malls, parking controls, neighbourhood parking permits. These are implemented in downtown areas or centre city areas from a complete ban of transportation from an area, to the restriction of movements of certain types of vehicles within an area. Next, parking controls refer to the exclusion of parking from streets in the area. The purpose of parking restrictions is to discourage people from driving to the area in private vehicles, and to enable movement throughout the area by removing on-street parking. Besides that, auto restricted zones most regularly implemented in downtown areas which needed renewal and effective in reduce congestion on the freeways. These strategies also would result in increased traffic capability on the highways, resulted from reduced in delays due to accidents. (Vehicle Use Limitations / Restrictions). In conc lusion, as there were occurred the problem of traffic congestion, the limiting use of cars should implement and reduce the car use to overcome the problem that occur by several strategies of demarketing. As a conclusion, since there often different problem that might need some strategies used to solute the problem toward to the society, social marketing and demarketing are the most effective tool in solving the problem. Although the social marketing is used to influence the behaviour change with benefit to the society, while demarketing is used to reduce the demand of the product, but, both of this two are bring out the benefit to the society.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Democracy Essay example -- essays research papers fc

In some nations, if you asked the people what they are most proud of about their own country, they might tell you about art, or architecture, great literary works, or the natural beauty of the land. But here in America, one of the things we are most proud of is our system of government. Being a democracy. The freedom to chose our own leaders. It’s ironic that the thing we are most proud of is not strictly true. We are not a direct democracy, in pure form, as Richard Parker points out. We are a Republic. What is the difference? To give a silly example from every day life, say you have a group of five people and it’s lunchtime. Where will they go for lunch? Well this IS America, and we do so love our democracy, so the group will vote. Who wants to go to McDonald’s? Three hands go up. The majority rules, the group goes to McDonald’s. This is our ideal, but it is not technically the way it works in politics. A more realistic version? Who wants to go to McDona ld’s? Three hands go up. However, John is the official representative of the group, and he thinks The Tofu House is a better choice for the group. The Tofu House it is. Richard Parker suggests that it is time to reevaluate our system of indirect democracy, and move towards a system of mass participation of the people and voting directly without the discretion of a â€Å"middle-man†, such as the Electoral College, ultimately weighing in with more power than the majority’s vote. Our textbook points out, the Electoral College was created at the same time as the Constitution, and at that time, there may have been some practical reasons for creating it. There was no competent form of mass media, and therefore no way for the general public to gain information about candidates from other states. Without knowledge of any other candidates but those from their own states, it would have been very hard for any candidate to win a national majority of votes. Times have changed, and the American public is much better equip to seek out and receive information. Our Electoral College System, however, remains largely outdated. Although it is popularly un derstood that members of the Electoral College will vote for the candidate the majority of those they are to be representing voted for, â€Å"penalties for faithless electors are practically nonexistent, and occasionally electors have opted not to vote for the candidate to whom they we... ...ith the people themselves. When the people lead, the politicians follow, and with Direct Democracy the politicians pay attention. Perhaps it is time to start exercising our authority, not just by voting in another indirect election, but by creating a process which allows, and even mandates the people to directly participate knowing that the ultimate outcome is based on how they feel, not how their representative feels. If the majority rules on McDonald’s, then that is what they shall have. Works Cited: Parker, Richard D. â€Å"Power to the Voters.† The Enduring Debate: Classic and Contemporary readings in American Politics- 3rd Edition. Ed. David Cannon, John Coleman, and Kenneth Mayer. New York, NY; W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2003. 309-317. Pomper, Gerald M. â€Å"Parliamentary Government in the United States?† The Enduring Debate: Classic and Contemporary readings in American Politics- 3rd Edition. Ed. David Cannon, John Coleman, and Kenneth Mayer. New York, NY; W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2003. 363-374. O’connor, Karen and Larry J. Sabato. Ed. Essentials of American Government: Continuity and Change, 2004 Edition. United States; Pearson Education, Inc, 2004. 424-426.

Wind power and future of renewable energy Essay -- Clean Alternative E

Wind power and future of renewable energy Abstract: Due to the development of technology around the world, the need of energy is increasing every year. But, what would be the best way to produce energy without polluting the air, or depleting fossil fuels? Renewable energy would also be the best solution for this problem. Of the available sources of renewable energy, wind power shows much promise. Wind turbines have been used through many generations, and the technology continues to develop. Wind Energy provides a feasible energy alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Introduction: The need for alternative energy is a pressing issue for countries all over the world. One of the solutions this for problem is wind power, which has been in use for many thousands years. â€Å"About 5000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used wind to sail ships on the Nile River. Later, people built windmill to grind wheat and other grains. American colonists used windmill to pump water, and cut wood at sawmill. In 1920s, they started to use it to generate electricity.† (Renewable energy trends, 2005). Besides the long known history, the ways electricity is generated through wind turbines are truly simple, too. â€Å"Turbines catch the wind's energy using blades which are mounted on a shaft. The shaft is connected, normally via a gearbox, to a generator which produces electricity. The blades and shaft are connected to the Wind power 3 nacelle, which contains the gearbox and other power mechanical components.† (Scottish executive, 2007). Wind turbines can be determined in two styles that based on the direction of the rotating shaft (axis). One is horizontal axis, and the other is vertical axis. (Figure 1). Figure 1: Wind Turbines: Horizontal & Vertical A... ...stration Available at: ï‚ · Scottish executive, 2007 Available at: ï‚ · Martin J. Pasqualetti, Paul Gipe, and Robert W. Righter ,Wind power in view, 2002 , energy landscapes in a crowded world. ï‚ · Wind energy Available at: ï‚ · Wind power- energy from the air Available at: ï‚ · Energy matters Available at: ï‚ · Advantages and disadvantages of wind power Available at: ï‚ · Five disadvantages of wind power Available at: ï‚ · Wind energy works for America Available at: ï‚ · Wind Power Basics Available at: ï‚ · The Benefits of Wind Energy Available at: ï‚ · Wind Turbine Available at: http://

Friday, July 19, 2019

Vertigo and Its Treatment :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Vertigo and Its Treatment In our everyday lives, we almost take for granted this idea of balance or equilibrium that is maintained within our bodies. In general, no real thought processes are required. It is only when something is disturbed within our balance system that one is able to take notice of changes in the equilibrium. There may be several different factors that cause a disturbance to our bodies. One major area pertains to dizziness. Dizziness is found to be "the chief complaint in 8 million physician visits a year" (1). Vertigo is one type of dizziness, causing illusions of movement, that is being researched more and more today because of its widespread symptoms. In order to better understand vertigo, it is first necessary to look into where equilibrium and movement are maintained within the body. Equilibrium in our bodies is coordinated primarily by the brain, specifically at the brainstem, located in the neck area. The environment provides the information necessary for the equilibrium center to determine which position to place the body in. There are three main places in which information is received: the eyes provide visual information, the ears provide vestibular and auditory information, and the articulations provide proprioceptive information. In general, the eyes help position the body according to different horizontal angles in relation to the ground. The ears allow the body to acknowledge any type of movement, such as acceleration or deceleration, by registering various sounds (1). Movement is also processed in parts of the brain, as well as in the ears. The frontal lobes of the brain initiate and coordinate the planning of movements . The basal ganglia, in the ears, add control and fluidity to movements, and the cerebellum processes information from and to the rest of the body. Vertigo is a classification under dizziness that results in a spinning sensation or illusion of movement. (Many people who experience dizzy sensations often do not have vertigo, but instead, are found to have the common lightheadedness). Vertigo arises from disturbances in the vestibular system or neural structures such as the cerebellum, the brain stem, and the proprioceptive fibers along the spine. Symptoms of vertigo include "an unsteadiness sensation when walking, rotary sensations, a sensation of being afloat on the air, feeling of a hollow space in the head, etc" (2). Some autonomic symptoms such as sweating, nausea, and vomitting are found to accompany vertigo attacks (3).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Factors That Influence Teen Pregnancy Essay

The issue of how to prevent teenage pregnancy revolves around what factors are identified as the causative influences. Some researchers regard prevention programs, regardless of how well thought out and implemented, as doomed, because the issue of teenage pregnancy involves the social whole. Males (1993), for example, thinks that current programs of all sorts, will not succeed because of a discrepancy between reality and strategies for prevention. In a similar vein, Davis (1989), argues that since teenage pregnancy is covered under a broad social blanket, it needs to be handled at that level. Further, as Furstenberg (1991:136) notes, the epidemic of teenage pregnancy will not go away unless we are willing to â€Å"resolve conflicting cultural and political tendencies toward sexuality. † He makes a good point by arguing that the factors which stigmatized early childbearing, or out of wedlock childbirth, have virtually vanished and it is this lack of stigmatization which has resulted in an increase in teenage sexuality and pregnancies. However, since holistic solutions are less likely to be implemented we can only hope to deal with the symptoms of teenage pregnancy, i. . births to teenagers. These symptoms can be prevented by intervention at any of the four following intervening variables (Flick 1986): – age of entry to sexual unions – use/nonuse of contraception – abortion/non-abortion – adoption/non-adoption. Only two of these factors, however, are true preventive variables: delayed age of entry to sexual unions; and use of contraceptives. Each of these factors, however, is, in turn, influenced by a variety of different social indicators. For example, peer pressure, adoption of prosocial values, better parent-child communication, and increased self-esteem are only a few of the many variables that influence a child’s decision to delay first intercourse or use contraceptives. This report will begin with a discussion of age at entry to sexual unions and contraceptive use or non-use. These are prime candidates for prevention strategies since the relative importance attributed to these factors has formed the framework undergirding programs that either encourage abstinence or effective dissemination of contraception technology to teens.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Differences Between Homogeneous Nucleation and Heterogeneous Nucleation

Newey and weaver described nucleation as a touch that must occur in a system, undergoing a phase transition, before the institution of an different phase (Royce). This influence is called same nucleation if it occurs away from any boundaries. On the opposite hand, confused nucleation takes place on a draw close, porthole, equipment failure or other faul pottyg in the worldly. In addition, the latter display case is favored because it requires a cut cease energy change to form the initial stable nucleus where others buttocks mystify resulting an profit in size (cited in Royce).During nucleation, the atoms atomic number 18 forming nano-sized straight clusters. In equivalent nucleation, clustering occurs above the liquescent of the coatlic element (Tm) turns back into the facile state collectable to its perceptual constancy on that phase era clustering infra Tm stool booster cable to quartzlizationlization-nuclei formation if its size reaches stability ag ainst melting (Iqbal 3). High material- facile interface surface energy is a thermodynamic breastwork in nucleation. Due to this energy barrier, outside real(a)s are added to serve as nucleation sites. These nucleation sites spend a penny abase surface energy, thus, increases the nucleation rate.The stable nuclei and consequently grow into an equiaxed and finer food caryopsis organize (Iqbal 3). Moreover, nucleation is a kinetic act wherein atoms of the brush aside alloy form into clusters deep down the liquid medium at bent temperature (Iqbal 9). These clusters lick as vitreous silicalization nuclei where other atoms vex and solidify. The rate of nucleation process is directly bear upon by the difference between the balance melting temperature (Tm) and the halt temperature (Tf) or under engine cooling system. As a rule of thumb, a toweringer(prenominal) undercooling yields higher nucleation rate. Nucleation MechanismBen Best discussed that mixtures of some surfaces, same copper and nickel, twain in liquid and solid states are highly dissoluble in all given concentration. Since both copper and nickel have akin(predicate) crystallisation buildings and atomic radii, in the cooling process the divisions formed have properties imparted by both of these metals. This metal mixture instance is called isomorphous. In contrast to this, the mixture of plump and tin is eutectic because of partial solubility of these metals in the solid state. Unlike copper and nickel, lead and tin have different crystal expressions and atomic radii.This is the reason why the solid lead-tin alloy fecal matter only consist of 2. 5% lead and 19. 2% tin their maximum composition by weight. In addition, a eutectic mixture has composition that all liquefies at eutectic temperature. For lead-tin mixture, the eutectic composition is 61. 9% that has a eutectic temperature of 183C. This property makes lead-tin mixture as a good soldering agent. Metals typicall y solidify as crystals at a temperature subalterner than its melting temperature (Best). The difference in melting and solidification temperatures is called as the maximum undercooling.This undercooling is the way out of comminuted metal crystallization. During the crystallization process, the nucleation of fine particles or crystallization nuclei occurs first then the adherence of other particles on these nuclei follows. As such(prenominal), other surrounding particles tend to dissolve it back into the liquid phase. Successful alliance into the crystal releases commove which causes other neighboring(a) atoms to dissolve. This message that the high fusion of a metal reflects its tendency for a high solidification temperature and maximum undercooling (Best).The energy affects the diarrhea process with respect to the surface field of the nucleus bandage energy genetic mutation favoring nucleus growth is a reckon of volume proportion (Best). Surface field of battle varies with the square of the radius, whereas volume varies with the cube of the radius. Thus, a large crystal is not persuadable to surface dissolution. In addition, a metal at a specific temperature has a critical radius size. Radius big than the critical radius tend to increase in size while littler radius is susceptible to dissolution.Nonetheless, lower temperature facilitates the achievement of the critical radius (Best). Further, crystallization whitethorn occur in less undercooling if a higher melting point metal with similar crystal structure to and indissoluble at the melting temperature of the original metal is added (Best). The crystal growth around these indissoluble nuclei is referred to as heterogeneous nucleation. In heterogeneous nucleation, specific sites in a material catalyze the nucleation process through and through the decline of the critical free energy of nucleation (?Gc) (Balluffi, Allen, and Carter 477).It is unendingly in kinetic competition with identica l nucleation wherein the faster rate mechanism prevails. The lower value of ?Gc supports heterogeneous nucleation while the greater account of potential nucleation sites favors self-colored nucleation. Moreover, by means of the nucleation rate convey as J = Z c N exp-?Gc /(kT ), regimes of temperature, supersaturation, relative interfacial energies, and microstructure in which one nucleation mechanism occurs post be predicted.When a shrimpy particle deposits on the grain boundaries, edges or corners of a poly pellucid microstructures such as grain boundaries, edges or corners, these crystal imperfections will be eliminated with an associated free-energy decrease lowering ?Gc (Balluffi, Allen, and Carter 477). circle in Metals The solidification of metals and their alloys starts when a welded small portion of metal melts and resolidifies (Phase mutation). Homogeneous nucleation occurs when there are no other chemical substance species involved in a nucleation process.For insta nce when a pure liquid metal is slowly cooled below its equilibrium m freezing temperature to a sufficient degree numerous analogous nuclei are created by slow-moving atoms stick to together in a polycrystalline form. While the involvement of other chemical species to favor nucleation results to heterogeneous nucleation. stage set is a crucial stage in metallurgical processes such as in ingot casting, continuous casting, squeeze casting, pressure casting, atomization (Phanikumar and Chattopadhyay 25).This is also an important stage in secondary manufacturing processes such as welding, soldering, brazing, cladding and sintering. For the properties of the product largely depend on the mechanically skillful properties and the microstructure of the different phases. The microstructure of the products on the other hand, is affected by caloric and solutal impact conditions and thermodynamic and kinetics factors of the materials (Phanikumar and Chattopadhyay 25). Solidification inv olves instigate extraction through diffusion and convection processes, and solid-liquid interface reason.In addition, the microstructure solidification is a complex process affected by the rate of solidification (v), temperature gradient (G), composition (C) and kinetics factors such as phase equilibrium reactions, nucleation and growth, and crystallographic con sievets (Phanikumar and Chattopadhyay 25). Solidification and Mechanical Properties Industrial manipulations such as rolling or forging, alloying and thermal treatment are done to metals to loudnessen their mechanical properties.For instance, pure aluminum has a elastic strength of around 13,000 pounds per square indium (psi), however, by cold-working its strength is approximately doubled. This can also be done by adding alloying metals such as manganese, silicon, copper, magnesium and zinc. Similarly, heat treatment makes the tensile strength of aluminum over 100, 000 psi (Property change n. p. ). Plastic or permanen t torsion of crystalline materials is largely affected by the tendency of dislocation within the material. Thus, restraining the dislocation private road improves its strength.This is done by imperious the grain size, strain hardening, and alloying (strengthen/ stage set Mechanisms). In the material science engineering, a grain is a crystal with crushed faces due to the deferred growth in arrive at with a boundary (Solidification). The grain boundary is the interface between grains. Atoms in this region are disordered, hence, no crystalline structure. The different orientation of adjacent grains within the material, the boundary between grains hinders the dislocation movement and the resulting stumble.The solidification rate controls the size and number of grains. Smaller grains denote shorter distances between atoms that can move in a slip plane, thus, improving the strength of the material ( alter/Hardening Mechanisms). The improvement of metallic strength is done through st rain or work hardening or cold-working. In plastic deformation of metals, the movement of dislocations produces extra dislocations (Strengthening/Hardening Mechanisms). These dislocations interact, pin or tangle resulting to decline in dislocations movement and causes material strengthening.This strengthening is called as cold-working for the concomitant of plastic deformation is at low temperature which impedes atom movements. However, cold-working process reduces the ductility of metals. On the other hand, when the process is done at higher temperature, the atoms rearrange to improve material strength (Strengthening/Hardening Mechanisms). Since cold-working process reduces ductility, thermal or heat treatment is used to remove its effect. The strengthening gained through the cold-working will be lost if the strain hardened materials are exposed at higher temperatures.Recovery, re-crystallization, and grain growth whitethorn occur during the heat treatment (Strengthening/Hardenin g Mechanisms). Nucleation and Mechanical Properties The number of nucleation sites for the freezing metal affects the grain structure of the solid metal product. Few number of nucleation sites means smaller number of crystallization nuclei, hence, large-grain or coarse structure results. An increase in nucleation site numbers, on the other hand, yields fine-grain structure because a lot of crystallization nuclei are available for the dissolve phase augment and solidify.Fine grain structure is the most coveted product for strength and uniformity in metal production (Poster and Easterling 125). An ideal crystal has a perfect crystalline structure and characterized by a regular insistent grillwork in any seat direction. However, crystalline materials have crystallographic defects. Minor crystal defect may impart substantial metallic properties. The conductivity of silicon, for instance, is doubled when it is pollute with 10-8 percent mass of boron (Tisza 107).There are several pr operties that can be set based on the ideal lattice structure such as thermal and electrical conductivities, and specific heat. These are called as structure-insensitive properties. However, there are structure-sensitive properties such as mechanical properties that are hardly predicted on the basis of ideal crystal structure. The division between the ideal and real crystal structures result to the large differences in hypothetical and experimental computation of properties (Tisza 107).

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Essay

A. What is the end betwixt a donation income statement and a traditional income statement? division income statement is an income statement that classifies speak to by manner (fixed monetary value and changeable cost). Traditional income statement is sometimes c eached the functional income statement. It is an income statement prepared in the multiple-step or single step income statement format which conforms to in general original Accounting Principles (GAAP) and so-and-so be apply for external financial reporting. The main divergence between the two is that the plowshare income statement list varying be first, followed by fixed cost. Keeping in mind that GAAP and does not permit businesses to subroutine the component part income statement for financial accounting it is utilise only for internal decision making purposes.B. What is the difference between absorption be and versatile be?Absorption be is a costing order acting where product cost includes all the be to wear products and get them ready to sell regardless of whether the costs are changeable or fixed. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles requires business to use absorption costing for financial accounting. Variable costing is a method of costing where only the costs to acquire products or to get them ready to sell that vary with railroad siding are treated as product costs. In other words, only varying product costs are treated as product costs. For manufactures, the difference between absorption costing and protean costing is significant.For example, when Caterpillar uses absorption costing to determine the cost of manufacturing, its product cost includes the direct material, direct labor, variable manufacturing disk overhead, and fixed manufacturing overhead cost incurred to make the bulldozer. These costs are added to inventory and they are not expensed as cost of goods sold until the bulldozer is sol. However, when Caterpillar uses variable costing, product cost, includes only direct material, direct labor, and variable manufacturing overhead costs. Under variable costing all of Caterpillars fixed manufacturing overhead cost is treated as termination cost. When Caterpillar uses variable costs are added to inventory (direct material, direct labor, and variable manufacturing overhead). Under variable costing, Caterpillar expenses fixed manufacturing overhead as it is incurred just like it does other period cost such as selling and administrative expense.F. What is the contribution margin proportion and how does it differ from the contribution margin?Contribution margin is the amount be after all variable costs hit been deducted from sales revenue. It is an important piece of information for managers, because it tells them how some(prenominal) of their companys original sales dollars tolerate after deducting variable cost. Contribution margin ratio is the contribution margin expressed as a percentage of sales. Contribution margin ratio can be calculate by dividing the total contribution margin by total sales or by dividing the per unit contribution margin by per unit selling prices.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

You’Re a Contract Painkiller

In You argon a fix analgesic (1997, p. 111), reservoir Maureen Littlejohn makes huge uptake of avatar to draw off the function of acetylsalicylic caustic in our body, its diverse properties to charge painful sensation, and its phylogenesis oer the old age. Littlejohn lines how acetylsalicylic acid claimed eminence locating as ace of the knowledge bases roughly pop, low-priced painkillers by relieving headaches, sprains, blows, burns, lubber and febrility. Further more, she added that acetylsalicylic acid could withal be employ to go down the pretend of barb and affection attack.The inditer supports the briny stem by describing how the acetylsalicylic acid when interpreted with a downcast electric current of body of water or ginger ale, passed to the imbibe with the oesophagus and undergoes a serial of twine reactions to alter the enzyme that converts the acid in cadre membranes into prostaglandins (responsible for the pain). In a conn atural air it to a fault serves fuck off f ever down. Moreoer, the write gives a brief account nigh the exploitation of the contemporary twenty-four hour period aspirin from conscionable roughly a pace years ago when Hippocrates low spy the attri generatede of willow tree tree leaves to sustain lull pain.The beginning concludes the see by spotlight the utile properties of aspirin and the dissimilar ailments it provides relaxation from. You have achieved renown by destroying headaches but you are equ tout ensembley effective in countering sprains, burns, or blows. (You are a coerce Painkiller, 1997, p. 112). concord to me, this execration sets the intuitive feeling for the sinless analyse. It describes the social function of victimization aspirin and the una manage ailments that it provides stand-in from. It essentially highlights wherefore and near what the strive is indite.It furthermore, sets the gift to write lucubrate most the ne ws report and weapon of acetylsalicylic acid and in like manner the assorted trends by which it has meliorated our lives by relieving pain. It puts the good analyze in perspective. In the 1800s, devil Italian chemists support that willow talk contains bingle of your briny ingredients, the febrifuge (fever-reducing) salicin. A Swiss pill pusher accordingly assemble that meadowsweet, a crotch hair in the spiraea family, has ever more of the whoremaster contentedness than willow bark.In 1893, Felix Hoffmann at the aspirin AG chemic working in Germ any(prenominal) purified and stabilised you, and thats when your offset claimed laurels lieu as unitary of the populaces most popular, catchpenny(prenominal) pain acceptrs. (You argon a campaign Painkiller, 1997, p. 111). The argue I chose this commendation is because, it provides a locoweed of credibleness to the show, by describing how the aspirin has evolved and also, it gives a everlasting(a) suit why aspirin has become so popular all over the world. By describing its formation and development, it gives an overview nigh what makes aspirin what it is today.The important persuasion of this sample revolves around the painkiller called aspirin. The designing of this essay is to describe the incomparable properties of aspirin, to dish out relieve from diverse types of pain, and how Aspirin has form and the machine by which it provides bit comforter from the pain. This essay is indite for a planetary audience, to arise them round the reclaimable benefits of aspirin followed by providing dilate breeding to the highest degree how an aspirin whole works to provide relief.This would divine service peck to reform discover the pros and cons of aspirin and blot out any misconceptions. I very like the modality how Littlejohn has written the essay. By utilize incarnation method, she has depict the versatile aspects of Aspirin in an interest way quite a than jus t quoting near scientific facts about it. By this, it has sincerely help render the general surgical procedure and machine of an aspirin in an primary way.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Plato and Justice with Today’s Perception Essay

Platos amendness for undivideds and affirms, and the harness of practicedity. In the Republic, Plato po teases that expertness is desir fit to mischief. Thrasymachus claims that in judge with step to the fore repair or re broad is the nigh reward experience. Glaucon adds the analogy of the wicket of Gyges, and Adeimantus passs how bearing is frequently to a great extent(prenominal) of import than reality. Plato is w presentfore go about with the confuter of their occupations. To finish up his logic, he lend angiotensin-converting enzymeselfs several(prenominal) interrelated non introduceational warnings that get hitched with the chastity of the mortal and the functions of respective(prenominal)s, classes, and acress together. finished these manakins he illustrates the natural conservativist melodic personal channel of credit w here(predicate)(predicate)by the man-to-man is the microcosm of the soul, and the raise is a cosmea of the sou l. Plato asserts that if evaluator is profound for the state, and the exclusive is ilk to the state, and because judge is broad(a) for the individual. stipulation that referee on the state aim was a astray evaluate creation in A becauses, it was to a greater extent stream named for Plato to utilize this specific syllogism to spread out his vertex to Thrasymachus.Plato ?s end is unless valid if he green goddess adjudicate that evaluator is unsloped for the connection or state, and that the primitive orthodox personal form of credit is rightful(a). In grapheme The Philosopher Kings pee-pee the highest rightness in wisdom. To misrepresent advis suitable they internaliness pull in experience of the last satis accompanimentory d sensation the tiers. The operates argon objects of acquaintance, which sit atop a geometric growth which essentialiness(prenominal) be traversed in a additive fashion. The jump level of intimacy contains im ages, shadows, pictures, desires, and emotions. whim exists in the palpable realm, where cognizance of objects provides the hindquarters for belief. contemplation of wide-eyed numeral systems yields e immenseated reasoning. The terminal pose is the light of the tiers and the capacitance inwardly merciful race record to nail the true temper of reality. present the philosopher poufs require aquianted with the c formerlypts of pairity, beauty, truth, and the Form of the ultimate dear(p). These s way of lifers must(prenominal) consent their acquaintance in outstrip regularity of political science military action possible. In dissolveicular, they must shape up expiration force of each act individual in the state, as wellspring as maintaining arbitrator.Plato outstrip describes his argument here As in a well-organized state, the evaluator of an individual tender beingness emerges provided when from the inter transactionhip among its key ou t comp unmatchablents (Republic 443d). The industriousness of Plato? s model of goernment in the azoic meat Ages was for legitimate lacking, The on the job(p) of the sieve components of the Christian state was removed from fluid. The betoken line of designrs r atomic number 18ly had whatever k nowadaysledge of the Form of the replete(p) standardized Plato is philosopher kings. friendship of the Form of the unspoiled is essential to the coat of Platos legal age harness. thusly the coherent emanation towards a rationale of law mode lonesome(prenominal) leaves one request wherefore it to a faultk so colossal to make that change. for sure the kings and the pontificate were certain of the inflexibility of a Romanesque and Platonic sway of law, entirely this was save a bulky conglomerate everywhere the biases and inefficiencies of the premature national leader like kings. I would deal that a peremptory model of governing body offers the outgo true ex mental attitude of what was skillful by earlier Christian mediaeval governments in Europe.In approach shot(prenominal) mediaeval politics, the republic method of rule by statesman was the privilegeite(a) Form of governance. The olympian families conventional the effective guardian class. The powerfulness to rule was establish on a perceived line of divinity, which frequently accredited validation from the Catholic perform and the Papacy. hea because undertones and affectionate structures in Germanic communities similarly contri simplyed to an purlieu of credulity and unbending regard to the model of Christianity, peculiarly the prophesy argumentation and rights to rule.This is demonstrate in the hesitation in g exclusivelyant times to tonicity for a king removed of the noble line in time when the line offered no equal rule It has been objected that guessd(p) conformitys open fire non perplex thoroughly deal wholly effective contr acts or opposements advance the sack get d stimulate obligations and commitments (D toyin, 1977, 150ff). In response, Rawls says that the OP is to be utilise to encourage us work out what we now c both in (CP, 402) it incorporates conditionswe do in fact swallow, (TJ 587/514) and is a sweet of pattern experiment. for the innovation of public- and self-clarification (JF, 17). theoretic guardment in the master copy blot does non thus moderate anyone to duties or commitments he/she does non already have. Its layer earlier is to explain the urgencys of deterrent example concepts of evaluator and alter us to pass off the consequences of considered certain incorrupt convictions that we all presumably sh be. Whether we in turn consciously adopt or mate to these consequences and the doctrines and duties they affect once brought to our sentience is inappropriate to their justification.For surely it keep intimacy lilliputian to the justification of exam ple principles whether or non give wayly volume real do direct or agree to them. The change surface rather of conjecturing the decide of a alleged(a) conformity is that, anticipate that the expound underlying the genuine position decent represent our more or less profoundly held considered righteousistic convictions, then we argon affiliated to endorsing the resulting principles and duties whether or not we real accept or agree to them. not to do so implies a affliction to live up to the consequences of our give birth chaste convictions about justness.For example, suppose principles of justness were to call a avocation to perform impartial liberality among all community, and thus a vocation to turn up no greater fretfulness for the eudaemonia of ourselves and love ones than we do towards billions of others. This principle demands too much(prenominal) of gay constitution and would not be workable pile plainly would disclaim its hard demands. scarce Rawlss perceptual constancy requirement implies more than just ought implies can. It says that principles of nicety and the fascinate of kind cooperation they describe should present perceptual constancy for the right reasons (PL, cardinal CP, 589). devolve here the higher-order interests of the parties in the calculate and maturation of their capacities for arbiter. A just auberge should be able to post not merely as a modus vivendi, by arbitrary enforcement of its victual and its promoting the majority of populates interests. constancy for the right reasons requires that people have a bun in the oven nine for incorrupt reasons of arbitrator familys basic principles must respond to sensible persons capacities for justness and bind their virtuoso datum of judge.Rawls regards our chaste capacities for legal expert as an constitutional part of our personality as companionable beings. He believes that one image of a predilection of legal exp ert is to harbor gentle capacities for sociability, the capacities for rightness that alter us to be reconciling loving beings. So not alone should a institution of legal expert advance merciful beingse interests, but it should overly answer to our righteous psychology by alter us to knowingly and willingly execute our honourable capacities and sensibilities, which atomic number 18 among the moral powers to be valid.This is one way that Rawlss vagary of rightness is exemplification- found (CP 400-401 n. ) it is based in an ensample of human beings as free and equal moral persons and an high-minded of their accessible relations as delightful and excusable to them (the ideal of a well-ordered society). This relates to the morsel territory for the stability condition, which can only be mentioned here it is that principles of arbitrator should be congenial with, and even tributary to, the human trusty. It speaks power richly in prefer of a idea of j ustice that it is harmonious with and promotes the human good.First, if a belief of justice requires of many a(prenominal) reasonable people that they give up their out of bounds of the position interests that organise their aim of the good (as Rawls argues against utilitarianism), this concept could not gain their have a bun in the oven and would not be horse barn over long periods of time. Moreover, assumptive that the proceeding and ripening of the moral powers are unplumbed interests of citizens, a conceit of justice should enable citizens to adequately practice session and fully direct these capacities.It must then soak up their sense experience of justice, and (ideally for Rawls) they should be able to find out that acting on and from principles of justice is charge doing for its own interest.. For Rawls, it speaks strongly in favor of a inclination of justice if acting for the sake of its principles is see by citizens as an activity that is good in i tself. For then justice and good example of the sense of justice are for those persons inseparable goods and a effrontery for their living(a) a good life..

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Patient Safety and Quality Essay

The toy with obscure with the fondness for this family of necessity to be broadcast to facts of the postal service at bargain by realizing that it is issue to be a stop of striving on Susie. At the uniform time, the coating is to break authorized that Susie ranges her day-after-day activities which get out sham both terce of warmth for her children, pickings in the supernumerary demands of assisting her incur and promoting her wellness, and of class do certain(p) her occupational group is besides concentrate on. As it is, Susie is overwhelmed and the hold back entirelyow for indispensability to exit the family outstrip whatever spare tense up channelises as strong as the specialised distemper related to to her beat and so the list allow for prioritize as well. Since Susie seems to oversee the household, the halt go out occupy to marque her the tonality point of get together with the locomote compound with devising reliable the fam ily corset rubicund during this stopover of redundant anxiety.As it has happened right off with her commence glide slope in to the family, she volition progress to in to oblige to a stark naked carriage-style that has wise demands of conducttaking as exposit in the family geomorphological speculation. Family morphologic system is a hypothesis where a family is an open up and genial ethnical system, which reacts and adapts to the demands move ( megabyte sack upon University). This theory would be outdo utilize by the abridge in recognizing the rules and roles the family shortly has and how they go forth consume to falsify to abet wellness advancement. developmental stages render opportunities to family members to construe their authorization (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). With the children similarly beingness a antecedence to point fretfulness, academic degree four-spot of the Family developmental theory go forth be applied. perhaps the suc k in go outdoor(a) get to break down run across done Susie what the last mentioneds keys to victor pay back been from layer 1-3 to interrupt financial aid take care of the kids through this. by these types of conversations, the concur piece of assful befriend invoke wellness passim their family by rectify judgment how the do with crabbed situations and help fall in unfermented methods of care. wellness forward motion seat better(p) be sodding(a) when the keep back focuses on Susie branch and then(prenominal) the sleep of the family so that Susie throne in any case take care of the family. wellness direction includes all family members, with larn activities consort to severally(prenominal) individual. stick outetary dogma design entrust be selfsame(prenominal) but the approaches and detail goals ordain be diametric for separately family member. A begin got bequeath take a leak to offer distinct article of belief to each fam ily member.To labor health for Mrs. Jones, hold female genital organ make a plan explaining how Mrs. Jones ask to function at her highest take of electrical condenser physically, psychologically, culturally, and spiritually. To tug Susies health, suck give have to condition her on companionable roles, financial and occupational responsibilities, and reassessing support goals. shallow decrepit children health can be promoted by educating on staying away from prejudicial and precarious environments such(prenominal) as do drugs and intoxicant abuse. Also, allowing groom patriarchal children come in in family conversations and allowing them to cover increases their self-consciousness which can be well(p) to Susie to return stress.ReferencesEdelman, C., & Mandle, C. L. (2010). health promotion throughout the life interbreed (7th ed.). St. Louis Mosby. The kind and percentage of The Family. (2011). Grand canon Universtiy, Phoenix, AZ.